Friday, February 10, 2006

The Original Jurassic Park

Each day we will also take a look at a statement. If you haven't read the devotional for today, please do that first. Then come back here and tell us what you think.

Carl Everett once said, “Nobody ever saw a dinosaur.” While Everett may make a good outfielder, he’s probably not a paleontologist or theologian that we should be learning from.

And since I’m not a scientist, I’m going to refer you to the following sites to research some of your questions about the coexistence of dinosaurs and man.

Stand to Reason
Answers in Genesis
Institute for Creation Research

But from a Biblical standpoint, consider a few possibilities:

1. Dinosaurs could have been extinct by the time of the flood.
2. Noah could have taken baby dinosaurs, or even dinosaur eggs onto the ark.
3. Behemoth (Job 40:15-24) and Leviathan (Job 41:1-34) could refer to dinosaurs.

Maybe Everett wasn’t terribly wrong. No one that we can talk to has seen dinosaurs. But they are possibly mentioned in the Bible and some scientists today believe there is substantial proof that man and beast coexisted.


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