Friday, February 17, 2006

What is Sin?

Each day we will also ask a question. If you haven't read the devotional for today, please do that first. Then come back here and tell us what you think.

What is sin?

Sin, like holiness, isn’t a word we use very often. It can be pretty easy to misunderstand what sin is. Some people make it too much; assuming that dropping a pencil or missing a question on a test is sin. Others make too little of it; saying their rebellion against God is just a mistake or an accident.

I John 2:16 seems to give us a good picture of what is sin. Are you acting/thinking to gratify yourself? That would be sin. Are you acting/thinking because something other than God has caught your eye? That would be sin. Are you acting/thinking because you are focused on yourself? That would be sin.

Sin is an action of the heart. I could give you a gift and it is a pure action. But I could give a police officer a gift in the attempt to have him overlook my crime and that would be bribery. Anytime we act or think in a way that is contrary to the character and nature of God, we are sinning.

You may feel like that really raises the bar on what sin is. But remember, the bar for holiness if very high too!


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