Sunday, March 12, 2006

Am I arrogant for knowing I'm saved?

Welcome to the GOSPEL JOURNEY. This week we'll be working through the sentence: Everyone who trusts in Jesus alone will have eternal life. These posts are to help you engage with the central message of the Bible. Comment. Question. Agree. Disagree. Either way, let us know what you think.

Am I arrogant for knowing I'm saved?

Many people lack a confidence in truth. They feel that things are so hard to define, that the person who confidently asserts that he is saved must be arrogant. Is it truly arrogant to believe you are saved? Take a look at John 20:29-31 and I John 5:10-13 and answer these questions:

1. What does it take to have eternal life?
2. Why did John write the book of John?
3. Where does eternal life come from? Who provided it?
4. Does John believe it's wrong or arrogant to know you have eternal life?

If a person believes they are good enough on their own to have eternal life, then yes, they are extremely arrogant. However, if you acknowledge that Jesus' work is your only means for salvation, then it is hardly arrogance to place your trust in someone else. In fact, John argues that confidence in your salvation is one sign that you are maturing in your faith. It's not arrogance, it's a sign of virtuous faith.


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