Friday, March 17, 2006

What if you're wrong?

During the week, we'll be dealing with some questions regarding eternity. Check out the devotional for today, then come back and then examine this question:

What if you're wrong?

Blaise Pascal once challenged people about faith with this simple question: "What if you're wrong?" Compare and atheist and a believer to see how this maps out:

If atheism is true. We are all destined for annihilation. Neither the Christian, nor the atheist has anything waiting for them after death. The atheist may be able to say they had more fun during life, but the believer can also point to nobility of living selflessly.

If Christianity is right. Then the beliver is destined for heaven while the atheist will be tormented for eternity in hell. The stakes are a little higher.

It basically comes down to an issue of risk/reward. Are a few more fun moments (We can be honest and admit sin is fun. If it wasn't, we wouldn't do it.) really worth risking eternity?

Some people use this question as an evangelism technique. It can certainly get a person thinking, but I wouldn't recommend it as the major means of evangelism. (Remember, salvation is from the wrath of God as evidenced in hell, not simply avoiding hell. It also includes eternity with Christ, not just eternity apart from Satan.) A closer look at Pascal's argument shows he was making a greater point.

According to risk/reward, it is ridiculous for anyone to stake their eternity on a few temporary pleasures. However, Pascal's point was that the human nature is so corrupted that despite the obvious risk, apart from the Spirit's intervention in our lives, we will still choose to reject God.


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